
'Mini Map

01. Hide Button / Hides the Minimap Panel.
02. Opens the Tracker window.
03. Attack Protection / Opens the Attack Protection Settings window.
04. Item Mall/Shop Button (Alt+O)
05. M Button / Opens the World Map.
06. Lock Mode / Synchronize minimap view to camera facing.
07. + button / Zoom into minimap.
08. - button / Zoom out of minimap.
09. Location Panel : Show current map, coordinates, elevation and time of day.



01. Clan Protection / Toggle friendly fire for Clan Members.
02. Friends Protection / Toggle friendly fire for Friend List.
03. All Protection / Toggle friendly fire for both lists.



01. Preset List / List of NPCs in the vicinity.
02. Set Waypoint / Allows you to input coordinates.
An arrow leading to the coordinates is shown on yourt window.
03. Track Button / Allows you to name the coordinates you just inputted. Up to 5 coordinates can be placed on the list.
04. Rename Waypoint : Change name of coordinates.
05. Toggle Waypoint Arrow : Hide/Display selected point's arrow.
06. Delete Waypoint : Deletes the selected point from the list.
07. Delete All Waypoints : Delete all coordinates from your list.
